PC Experimental 1.20 Update 1 – Version 1.20.155659 (Released on 19.01.2023)


  • Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
  • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q.DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
  • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.



  • Mime masks
  • Carnival masks
  • Warning icons for the connection stability and server performance


  • Hitboxes of items in characters hands were misplaced (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T168891)
  • It was possible to place items inside the stairs of the yellow church (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167358)
  • When approaching a restrained player with binding materials, the non-functional option was shown to restrain the player again
  • It was possible to commit suicide with ruined firearms (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160975)
  • Carp, Mackerel, Chicken and Rabbit were always yielding 100% pieces of meat when skinned
  • Character sounds when picking up heavy items were not played for the player themself (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167931)
  • Drink sounds were not played when drinking from pots or cauldrons while prone
  • Impact sound of items when landing in water was repeating itself
  • It was possible to shave characters while having their face covered
  • Equipped belts were not accumulating wetness
  • Explosives could not be armed reliably (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T168007)
  • Reduced instances of vehicle access being prohibited due to another user already interacting with it
  • Fixed several broken character animations while restrained in prone
  • Improved damage zones of the M1025
  • M1025 trunk bars did not move correctly with the model (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T168594)
  • Sound of taking the SSG 82 magazine was doubled while prone
  • The player could get stuck in throwing stance
  • During combat with infected, the player’s position could get reset to a previous infected kill (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167694https://feedback.bistudio.com/T168690 – private)
  • ADS sensitivity wasn’t properly applied in all cases (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165015https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165855)
  • Jumping while having a gag applied or removed could desync the player
  • Manipulation of heavy items allowed players to access items through walls (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169133 – private)
  • It was not possible to cover/uncover a characters head while they are prone
  • It was possible to be force fed while wearing a gas mask (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160486 – private)
  • The character could teleport to the roof of their seat if an object was at the height of the door (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164360)
  • Inventory icon of the deployed spotlight was badly cropped
  • Filling a gasoline canister at a pond could result in desync (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T168967)
  • Items were interfering with the character collision when dropped from gift boxes upon their destruction
  • Other players could not hear the sound of a locked door being opened (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163131)
  • Using the quick bar while moving items in the inventory could result in desync
  • Some twin doors could not be closed (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160737)
  • Several twin gates were not properly aligned to open in the same direction (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T158950)
  • Some twin gates could not be opened by force when locked (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159534)
  • VOIP did not work after reconnecting the microphone
  • It was possible to access certain underwater locations
  • Portable maps could display wrong map features when switching between servers running different terrains
  • Fixed character collision shape shifting causing clipping through structures
  • It was possible to skip certain parts of the soda can opening animation (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T138370 – private)
  • The character collision shape would not adjust when falling into water
  • Switching between 1st and 3rd person camera could result in a distorted character (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162688https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162468https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162412https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164586)
  • The head-torch with the yellow light did not update its light location in all cases
  • Orientation of the light on the weapon flashlight was pointing forward when shouldered (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165114)
  • Chemlight on ground models of utility bags not lighting from the correct position
  • A climbing player was able to phase through objects during the landing state (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164706 – private)
  • The player could be teleported to the world origin when climbing (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166375 – private)
  • Smoke grenades wouldn’t show smoke outside of the players near distance network bubble
  • Doors could have their animations and sounds played when reconnecting
  • Previously felled trees would play their fall-animation upon reconnect
  • Other players and creatures could be stuck in a permanent frozen animation state if they were to die while the client is being logged in
  • Grass did not move with the wind on the tenement buildings
  • Bear traps could hit the player in multiple zones
  • The M3S truck was missing a sound related to high RPM
  • Reversing lights of the M3S truck did not emit light
  • Reversing lights did shine even when the engine was off
  • Stamina was not decreasing during jogging in deep water
  • Fixed several issues with individual buildings
  • Fixed bad rendering of specific trees
  • Source of the car horn sound was not properly located in 3rd person view
  • The Santa infected did not scream while attacking
  • Placing certain items would play the place sound twice (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T156577)
  • Dropping the wooden cooking tripod would make metal sounds
  • The unloading sound and bullet animation of the Longhorn were not in sync
  • The dry fire sound of the Derringer was too quiet while prone
  • Fixed several exploits used to look through walls (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T168561 – private)
  • An exploit allowed to repair car parts to the pristine state
  • It was possible to repair vehicle engines while they were running
  • Certain scopes allowed to look through the smoke from smoke grenades (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T141155)
  • The M1025 driver was accessing the wrong lever when switching gears
  • Damaged Santa’s hats looked pristine while worn
  • The Claymore mine explosion did not have the proper volume when the player was facing away
  • Opened food cans did not fit properly into the inventory UI (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T157660)
  • Respawning from unconscious state could result in a black screen (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169330)
  • It was possible to deploy the spotlight using the drop action
  • The Gunter 2 did not have sounds when removing and attaching wheels
  • Large clusters of rocks and cliffs could result in in client performance drops
  • Manual transmission from vehicles could get desynced when changed too quickly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T168465)


  • Vehicles can spawn without wheels again
  • Wheels can again be damaged
  • Reworked item weight calculation (fixing several bugged item weights)
  • Item wetness now influences their weight again
  • Weight of the carried gear now impacts player movement inertia
  • Increased the time needed to refill the car radiator
  • Checking a player’s pulse is now a continuous action
  • Increased the lifetime of improvised explosives to 5 days, which can be refreshed through a flagpole
  • The stairs of the concrete silos are now usable to access the roof
  • Adjusted the geometry of barrels and fireplaces to cause less issues when colliding with vehicles
  • Improved the surface detection for throwing impact sounds
  • Optimized the character update to environmental exposure
  • Lowered the hit points of improvised feet covers and gave them louder walking sounds (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169140 – private)
  • Positional wind and tree creaks are more audible now
  • Tweaked the 3rd person camera collisions to reduce possibilities of exploits
  • The 3rd person camera zooms in when an obstacle is in front of the camera
  • Disconnect due to a server restart will no longer kill restrained players
  • Updated map textures to reflect recent map changes (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163844)
  • You can now stealth-kill with the Cleaver
  • Replaced outdated dirt pile model
  • Updated textures on static pipes
  • Updated sounds for the different stages of cooking for more variety
  • Slightly increased the volume of the stealth kill
  • Improved the sun reflection on water and changed its color in quarries


  • Fixed: Green and black plate carrier vests and their attachments did not have their intended lifetimes (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T168947)
  • Tweaked: Increased chance for random positional bird, insect and tree creak sound to play
  • Tweaked: Increased audibility of the positional bird sounds during windy weather
  • Changed: Adjusted player spawn points for more even distribution


  • Added: Server config parameters for connectivity warnings (Documentation – will be updated shortly)
  • Added: Gameplay JSON version mismatch and default value handling
  • Added: Parameter to gameplay config (JSON), that allows people to disable the behavior of influence of stamina to inertia (Documentation – will be updated shortly)
  • Added: Parameters to gameplay config (JSON) that allows control over variety of stamina consumers (combat, climbing,..) (Documentation – will be updated shortly)
  • Added: Launch parameter “storage” to define root folder for storage location (“-storage=”) (Documentation – will be updated shortly)
  • Added: Functionality which will copy over storage when a storage exists in default location (mission) but not in the custom location provided by the storage launch parameter
  • Added: Warning when DE spawns an entity with no Types entry
  • Fixed: Sawedoff18 was missing from types
  • Fixed: Deleting events.bin but not vehicles.bin would cause events composed of eventgroups to have the possibility to spawn inside each other
  • Changed: Improved error messages and error handling regarding storage location
  • Changed: Adjusted ping calculation to be more forgiving with individual spikes before kicking a player


  • Added: DiagMenu script API
  • Added: Variety of new debug settings within the script section of the DiagMenu
  • Added: ScriptCaller, a stricter ScriptInvoker which is expected to hold one func
  • Added: DayZPlayer.GetKickOffReason to get the reason why a player was kicked off
  • Added: ‘EntityAI.IsSimpleHiddenSelectionVisible’
  • Added: Common script class ‘DayZCreatureAIInputController’ to control Animals and Infected movement and behaviour states
  • Added: Script method ‘InventoryItem::ForceFarBubble’ to allow items to temporarily be visible from further distances
  • Added: Added physics function ‘dGetInteractionLayer’ to check if two ‘PhxInteractionLayers’ can interact
  • Added: Collision overlap testing methods to DayZPhysics
  • Added: “$storage:” prefix can now be used to access storage through script
  • Added: Common script class ‘DayZCreatureAIInputController’ to control Animals and Infected movement and behaviour states (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T158984)
  • Added: Launch parameter for diag exe to allow window resizing ‘-resizeable’
  • Added: weightPerQuantityUnit config parameter that defines a weight of one quantity unit
  • Fixed: Docs: string.Split bad usage example (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T154855)
  • Fixed: Docs: string.ToAscii bad script declaration and typo in example (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160003)
  • Fixed: Function string.LastIndexOf was not linked (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T155602)
  • Fixed: Object::SetHealth could not be called on local objects (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T168604)
  • Fixed: Crash in TextListboxWidget::GetItemData (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T154626)
  • Fixed: ScriptCallQueue.GetRemainingTime(…) methods
  • Fixed: HumanInputController.OverrideAimChangeY was incorrectly using values from HumanInputController.OverrideAimChangeX (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T151736)
  • Fixed: DayZPhysics.RayCastBullet and DayZPhysics.SphereCastBullet would not pass the ‘hitObject’ (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T150488)
  • Fixed: ScriptCallQueue stopped working correctly after 4-5 hours of uptime (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T156746https://feedback.bistudio.com/T151279)
  • Fixed: Scripted command method ‘PrePhys_IsTag’ would not work in the intended way (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165933)
  • Changed: Moved and renamed certain RPCs relating to Diags to prevent conflicts and usage outside of Diag
  • Changed: ScriptInvoker now has additional flags and documentation
  • Changed: New compile errors will be displayed as Warnings outside of Diag/Workbench to minimize impact on existing mods
  • Changed: New compile Errors being displayed as Warnings will contain the text “FIX-ME” to signal the importance of fixing these
  • Changed: Improved func reliability and error messages
  • Changed: “Overriding function but not marked as override” has been changed from being a “Workbench-only warning” to an error in Workbench/Diag and Warning in regular exe
  • Changed: Weapon chamber and internal magazine changes now also trigger EntityAI.EEAmmoChanged
  • Changed: Weapon and magazine textures now contain the bullet for better optimization
  • Tweaked: Widget::GetRotation exposed
  • Removed: Incorrect usage of ‘func’ by NotificationSystem as it is only meant to be paired with proto functions, will unfortunately break compatibility with mods using the removed Bind and Unbind functions
  • Removed: Calling of super of Engine events (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164047)


  • Due to a navmesh issue causing infected to run through closed doors, official PC Livonia Experimental servers will only be available from next week
  • Bleeding effect reappears on screen after dying while bleeding
  • Player cannot get bleeding from punching with empty hands into objects
  • Bleeding effects remain on the screen after player respawn, with helmets equipped
  • User can not hear other players, when joins the server without a microphone plugged in

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